Contact us

You can reach us in the following ways:

0131 624 7270
Community Safety & Public Protection
0131 624 7270
17 Gayfield Square
Edinburgh EH1 3NX
Social Media
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Media Enquiries

At Sacro we welcome all relevant media enquiries; we will actively respond and do our best to accommodate your request.

At Sacro we have a team of expert, professional staff from across all fields that are available for interviews and able to provide comment. However due to the confidential nature of our work, we are not always able to provide service users for comment.

Please allow a reasonable period of notice for media enquiries.

Please address media enquiries to:

Alan Mairs
Communications Officer
17 Gayfield Square
Edinburgh EH1 3NX

During office hours:

Office: 0131 624 7270
Mobile: 078 1607 4580

Out of hours:

Mobile: 079 7087 8199

Feedback and Complaints

What we do

Sacro’s mission is to deliver life-changing services that empower people, give hope and protection, and help to build safe communities.

Sacro believes in mutual respect, diversity, capacity for change, personal responsibility and society’s responsibility to all its members. Our services are based on research and international standards of good practice and we are committed to development and innovation. We work with a broad range of clients, from neighbours in dispute to those who have multiple needs. We work in partnership with local authorities and other service delivery agencies.

What you can expect from us

We aim to provide a professional service at all times. When you request information, you can expect:

  • a polite response from all members of staff
  • a prompt response (we will try to respond within a maximum of 10 working days).

We cannot provide legal advice but will try to suggest alternative sources of information.

Asa service user, you can expect:

  • to be allocated a named Sacro worker who will be responsible for working with you and, where possible, will be your principal point of contact
  • to be treated professionally without any form of discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, disability, offending background, sexual orientation or age
  • to have your situation reviewed regularly, usually on a three-month basis
  • to be provided with a service consistent with both your welfare and with community safety.

Sacro’s commitment

We promise to deal with your complaint:

  • in confidence
  • fairly
  • as quickly as possible.

We will let you know how your complaint has been dealt with.

All complaints will be recorded and used to improve the service provided by Sacro but your confidentiality will be protected.

Have your say

We want to hear your views about the service we provide. We need to know when things have been done well and when things have gone wrong. We know we can learn from our mistakes and want to use them to keep improving our service.

If you make a complaint, we will confirm receipt in writing within five working days. We will tell you the result of any investigation into your complaint within 28 working days.

How you can make a complaint

You can make a complaint yourself or ask someone to do it on your behalf. You can complain in writing, by telephone, fax, e-mail or in person. Please help us to give you a prompt and accurate reply by including the following information when you contact us:

  • your name and address
  • a contact telephone number (and/or email address if you have one)
  • full details of your complaint.
Stage1: Complain to your Sacro worker or service manager

In the first instance, please contact either the Sacro worker you have been dealing with, or the manager in your local office, who will try to resolve your complaint.

Stage2: Complain to a senior manager

If you do not wish to do this or are unhappy with the outcome or the way in which your complaint was handled, please provide details to us at Sacro National Office where your complaint will be dealt with by the appropriate service manager.

Stage3: Complain to the Chief Executive

If you are still not happy about the outcome or the matter remains unresolved, you can ask for a review of your complaint. You can do this by contacting the Chief Executive. At this stage, complaints should be in writing.

Stage4: Consult a third party

Any complaint, which cannot be resolved at this stage, may upon request be passed to a third party for consideration and, if appropriate, for mediation.

The Care Inspectorate

Please note: where a Sacro Service is registered with the Care Inspectorate, you have the right to complain directly to them at any time if you feel the service provided by Sacro has been unsatisfactory.

The Care Inspectorate can be contacted at:

Compass House, 11 Riverside Drive, Dundee DD1 4NY
Tel: 0845 600 9527, Fax: 01382 207289

Further information and an online complaints leaflet, can be found on the Care Inspectorate’s web site at